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Hi all… I have been interviewed by the great Randall Sly for his site called “Character Design”. A fantastic site dedicated to this universe of the design and creation of characters. It’s a whole pleasure to belong in that list of great artists…. If you wanna see some of my designs and my answers to his questions, please use this link.
And don’t forget to see the other interviews of his site. It’s really amazing!!! Thanks a lot Randall !
And don’t forget to see the other interviews of his site. It’s really amazing!!! Thanks a lot Randall !
Buf! Un resum brutal d'una carrera que només acaba d`esclatar.A vegades no me'n recordo que estic currant al costat d'un catacrack,aquesta entrevista "did it" Felicitats per la feina!!!
Great work and congratulations on the interview! Look forward to seeing more art from you.
Congrats Antonio!:o)
Ei Toni!!
Tu si que ets un artistaaaaa!!! he vist el teu coment, (que per cert, te l´he contestat al meu blog, sóc així de despistada…) e inmediatament m´he dit… a veure al mestre al seu! i tachaaaan supersorpresaaaaa
i no m´extranya gens, amb el talent, la dedicació i les arts que tens! FELICITAAATSSSSSS
em fa molta ilu veure com poc a poc, el món us va coneixent (i reconeixent)
una abraçada gran
ShirKa _.
Wow!! All your work is so creative, so inspiring!! Thanks for sharing them.
Your little sister,
Nela xx
+enhorabuena por la entrevista, gran trabajo!
Genial la entrevista , y sobre todo en esa web , donde he podido ver a gente , que son los mas grandes en esto de la ilustracion digital.
Un saludo amic!