I want to share with you some storyboard explorations that I have drawn in class, as examples from the designs of the 2nd year Concept Art students of L’Idem Barcelona They took me around 1 hour per design, trying to show what kind of line to use, how to give more dynamism and flow to the actions and where are the limits of the clean up. Also, and this is the main reason for the explorations, creating storytelling in each of the created poses. Everything is done with Krita, pencil 5-Tilted, very interesting for the rough.
___In order of appearance, the original designs are from Mar Puig, Lara Carrasco, Alex González, Margot Koch, Adrián Álvarez, Isabella Dominguez, Laura Mir, Finnian Duffin and the last one that is mine.
___Quiero compartir con vosotros algunas exploraciones y estudios de storyboard que he realizado en clase, como ejemplo de los diseños de los alumnos de 2º de Concept Art de L’Idem Barcelona Son hojas de 1 hora por diseño, intentando mostrar qué tipo de línea utilizar, cómo dar más dinamismo y fluidez a las acciones y dónde están los límites del cleanup para story. También, y esta es la razón principal de las exploraciones, intentar que haya “storytelling”en cada una de las poses creadas. Todo está hecho con Krita, lápiz 5-Tilted, muy interesante para el rough.
#originalcharacter #oc #sketch #drawing #sketching #storyboard #exploration #rough #drawingstudies #characterdesign #storytelling
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